Yogev (Yogi) Bar-On

About Me


I’m currently pursuing my PhD in Computer Science at Tel Aviv University, advised by Prof. Yishay Mansour, with whom I also completed my MSc. My academic interests are Machine Learning Theory, Algorithmic Game Theory, and Blockchain.

In addition to my graduate degrees, I earned three BScs in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Natural Sciences from the Open University of Israel.


Apart from my academic activities, I work as a Research Engineer at the Meselson Center at RAND, where I contribute to reducing risks associated with emerging technologies in biology and AI.

Prior to this, I was part of the founding team at Fordefi, an institutional blockchain wallet, and I also worked as a Software Engineer at Meta.

And more

In my spare time, I am an avid bug bounty hunter and have been awarded over $300,000 in total prizes for identifying and reporting vulnerabilities. Have a look at my Amazon Kindle report, which was featured on Vice.